Policies and Procedures

In order to run effective programming, we have created several policies in regards to our operations. Please take a moment to review our policies below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

All of our policies can also be viewed in our Student Handbook, which has been updated for the 2024-2025 academic year. You can view important dates on our Academic Calendar.

Registration Policies

General: Registration for all classes and program can be done through our Parent Portal. We also offer registration over the phone, or in person, but online is the preferred method. If you don’t already have an account with us, you can create one by visiting our Registration Form Page.

Payment: Payment is due in full at the time of registration via credit/debit card. Our registration form collects payment information, but does not charge your card – payments can be submitted through our Parent Portal. Payment plans and financial aid are available on request.

Insufficient Enrollment: In the event that a course or program has to be canceled due to a lack of enrollment, Apple Tree Arts will offer a full refund. Parents/students will be notified of the canceled class a week before it was scheduled.

Withdrawal: Families/students withdrawing from a class or program more than 7 days (30 days for theatre programs) prior to the first class of the term will receive a full refund, less a $15 administrative fee. Families withdrawing less than 7 days prior to the start of the first class may receive a 50% refund. After the class has begun, no refunds will be given. If you would like to withdraw from a program you’ve registered for, please email us at info@appletreearts.org.

Absence Policies

Faculty Absences: In the event of a faculty absence, all efforts will be made to find a substitute instructor for the class/program. In the event that a class has to be cancelled due to teacher absence, students/parents will be notified via email. A makeup class will be scheduled during our makeup week at the end of the term. For private lessons, if a faculty member has to miss a lesson, they will reach out to you about scheduling a makeup.

Student Absences: There are no credits, make ups, or refunds for missed classes or rehearsals. This includes cancellations for family vacations, illness, school-related absences, etc.

General Policies

Self-Certification: By signing up for our classes and programs, you are agreeing to our policies for each of our programs.

Media Policy: During lessons, classes, recitals, and other events/performances, Apple Tree Arts reserves the right to use video recording and/or take photographs of students for use in newsletters, advertising materials, emails, social media, ATA owned websites, and press releases. If you’d prefer we do not share photos or recordings of you or your child, please notify us in writing at the time of registration.

Tuition and Payment: Payment is due in full upon registration, and can be made through our Parent Portal. If no payment is submitted within 3 business days, Apple Tree Arts is authorized to charge the credit card on file for your account. Should something come up where you can’t fulfill your financial commitment, advanced notice and open communication is encouraged and appreciated. We will do our absolute best to work with you.

Accessibility, Diversity & Nondiscrimination: Accessibility is an organizational asset and a civil right. Apple Tree Arts complies with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations concerning civil rights and human rights. Our programs and employment practices are free of discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, and disability. In addition, Apple Tree Arts is specifically committed to complying with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA requires that all programs, services, and activities, when viewed in their entirety, are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.

Health & Safety: Apple Tree Arts Health & Safety procedures will be updated regularly in accordance with all federal, state, and local guidance. All students and visitors are expected to follow the current policy throughout the year. Families will be notified via email regarding any changes. We reserve the right to move programs online at any time for the safety of our students, families, staff, and community.

Appropriate Accommodations Policy: Apple Tree Arts is happy to say that the Town House at 1 Grafton Common is fully accessible. The school acknowledges its obligation to make its offices, classes, and programs accessible and will make reasonable accommodations to ensure that they are. Students, faculty, and staff have the obligation to promptly notify Apple Tree Arts management of any physical barrier to their participation in a class, program, or function in order to arrange for modifications. If classrooms, facilities, or faculty offices are found to be inaccessible, an accessible alternate location will be utilized.

Weather Cancellations: In the case of severe weather such as snowstorms, classes will be cancelled for that day, and the offices will be closed to maintain safety for our students and staff. We will notify all students via email and social media post by 12pm if we will be closed for weather. Typically, we follow guidance from Grafton Public Schools, but there are exceptions. If a class has to be cancelled due to a weather closure, a make up during our makeup week will be scheduled. Private lessons will either be held virtually, or a make up may be scheduled – your teacher will reach out to you about that decision.

Private Lessons

Scheduling: Scheduling private lessons can be done through the main office. When signing up for a day/time with an instructor, you are holding that time in the instructor’s schedule for the entire academic year (September through June). In the event that we have to move the day or time of a scheduled lesson, we will do our best to find an alternative slot, but be aware that this may not be possible for all instructors. We accept new students at any time during the year.

Tuition and Payment: Tuition is charged on a monthly membership model based on lesson length. We take the total cost of tuition during the year, and divide it up into 10 equal monthly payments, so that one month will never cost more than another. Payment is made monthly on the 1st of the month (or closest weekday) via automatic credit/debit – if you would like to pay by check, please contact the office. Should something come up where you can’t fulfill your financial commitment, advanced notice and open, ongoing communication is encouraged and appreciated.

Accompanist Policy: We offer two school-wide recitals each year, one in January and one in June. Piano faculty member Corbin Calloway is available to accompany students at the recitals (also competitions, auditions, etc) for an additional fee. Please refer to our Accompaniment Policy for more details.

Student Absences: In the event that a student will have to miss a lesson, we ask that the student/parent reaches out to the instructor via email/phone to let them know. We offer the following alternatives if a student cannot attend their in-person lesson:

  • Have your lesson online at your regular time. (This is a good option if you just have a cold, don’t have transportation, etc.) Please notify your teacher by noon that you’d like a lesson online that day so that they can be prepared.
  • Send your teacher a video/audio recording of what you’ve been working on and a scan/photo of any written work, and they’ll use your lesson time to respond with detailed feedback and new practice suggestions for the week.

Discontinuing Lessons: Enrolling in lessons reserves your lesson time for the full year, however we understand that some students may need to stop taking lessons during that time. The decision to end lessons should be made with careful consideration, with discussion between parent, student, and teacher so that lessons can end positively. We require a 30 day written notice to stop tuition payments.